Logo Lab-STICCFrom sensors to knowledge: Communicate and decide


Postdoc - Université de Bretagne Sud

Team : FHOOX  
email : 
Address : ENSIBS - 17 bd Flandres Dunkerque - 56200 LORIENT

Loïck Simon is a post-doctoral fellow at UBS (Université Bretagne Sud) in Lorient.

He joined the FHOOX team (Human and Organisational Factors, Automatics and compleX Systems) at LabSTICC, UMR CNRS 6285 in 2019.

He received his master's degree in psychology in September 2019 within the PSTO (Social Psychology of Work and Organisation) master in the EPFH (Ergonomics and Psychology of Human Factors) course of Rennes 2. He defended his thesis at Lab-Sticc in October 2023.

His research work focuses on understanding the determinants of human-machine cooperation (individual traits, trust, awareness of the environment, mental workload) and on its optimisation (ecological interface, transparency and adaptability).